John Smith (USA)
Brought to you by Mike's

Official NameBud
Bear Number66
Part of RangeInternational Release Bears
LaunchedSeptember 2003
RetiredSeptember 2003
DimensionsStanding bears like this are approximately 10cm (4") tall, 8cm (3 1/4") wide, and 5cm (2") deep.
Weight400 grams (approximately) when in original packaging.
ScuptorWayne Talyor.
Origin Of NameA play on the name of a UK beer.
NotesNamed Bud for the US market, this rare variation of John Smith was only released in the USA and has a darker yellow froth on his beer than the standard UK release of John Smith.
PackagingClear acetate box.
See AlsoJohn Smith, Patrick
VariationsJohn Smith, John Smith (Classic), John Smith (Gold Chrome)
PicturesPictures courtesy of  Additional pictures courtesy of Cyberpig.

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